Your education loan with LEND
Whether during studies, training or further education – especially in Switzerland, the costs of education are high and often difficult to afford on the side. That's why many students, trainees or people who want to continue their education turn to a loan for this time. With an education loan, you can fully concentrate on learning.
There are different financing options for different educational pathways. The cheapest ways are the parents' purse or a scholarship. Those who do not have this option may choose an education loan or career loan.
Financing studies, training or further education with an education loan
A good degree is becoming increasingly important for a successful career, but unfortunately also increasingly expensive. It is often difficult to finance the cost of living as well as the costs of studying or continuing education on the side. This is where an education loan can help. To choose the right amount for the loan, you should estimate and add up the costs incurred. In addition to the fees for studies or further education and training, also consider the costs for study materials, rent, food, insurance, transport or mobile phone contracts.
At LEND, an education loan is equivalent to a personal loan. It gives you the opportunity to finance everything you need for your studies and career. However, since a personal loan requires a regular income and a good credit rating, it is often difficult to get one as a young person. In this case, it can be helpful to take out the education loan through your parents.
The effective interest rate is between 4.50% and 10.95% and is dependent on your credit score and selected loan term. The repayment period is a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 84 months. For a loan of CHF 10’000 and 12 months the interest cost and fees range between CHF 175.82 and CHF 439.17. The total sum is thus between CHF 10’175.82 and CHF 10’439.17. The grant of a loan is prohibited if it leads to the over-indebtedness of the consumer (Art. 3 UWG).
"Students without generous parents or without a lucrative part-time job are dependent on a scholarship. Or are they? Because there are alternatives to scholarships, parents or work: a loan, for example."
Supporting studies, training or further education financially as parents
Many parents want to support their child in the best possible way – of course also on its educational path. If their own budget is not sufficient, an education loan can often help. The advantage is that the parents usually already have a good credit rating and a regular income. This makes it easier for them to get a loan and also facilitates better credit conditions. LEND offers personal loans for this purpose. The credit is freely disposable, so parents can use it to finance their children's career.
Only about 10% of students in Switzerland receive a scholarship.
Finance your education with a loan from LEND
Whether you're looking for a student loan, career loan, education loan or vocational training loan – no matter what you call it, we have the right loan for you. All you have to do is decide which amount you want to finance and what duration the loan agreement should have. We then take care of the low interest rates and very fair conditions – and this is how it works:
While your bank finances the loan, our investors invest directly in your loan project. The money that would otherwise remain with the bank thus benefits our customers. Sounds good? Then simply apply online for your education loan, and we will prepare a personalised loan offer for you. Now you can concentrate on learning!